Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Thanksgiving 2011 Blessings

As our EAC families gather to celebrate Thanksgiving this year, 123 of them will have brought their children home from Russia this year .  As the families count their blessings this year, there are 135 new U.S. citizens to be thankful for. 


“Nothing can come close to the renewed sense of gratitude for having family and friends.”  
                         ~ Courtland Milloy


  1. European Adoption Consultants - Upcoming Free Adoption Seminars:


    Come join us and learn about the wonderful world of International Adoption! This is a great opportunity to ask questions and get the answers you need in your decision process. At most meetings we will have post adoptive families on hand to share their personal adoption experience. Information meetings are informal. We look forward to seeing you!

  2. I am one of those families. So thankful for my son!

  3. I am one of those families too! My daughter is the biggest blessing of my life and we will celebrate all weekend! We will share our first Thanksgiving on Thursday and we will celebrate six months home on Friday! So many things to be thankful for this year!

  4. I am one of the 123 thankful families too!!! My little Sophia has given me so much love and joy that I didn't even realize I was missing!!! Two months home next week and so much to be thankful for!!!! This Thanksgiving will be so special and we have EAC to thank!!!

  5. We arrived home with our special blessing 2 yrs ago tonight, thanksgiving eve! We are forever grateful to God and EAC!
