Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Russian Adoptions: November 2011

Congratulations to the twenty EAC families who adopted a total of 25 children from Russia during the month of November -- National Adoption Month!  
  • Number of Boys = 11
  • Number of Girls = 14
  • Number of Children under 15 months of age = 12
  • Average wait time between dossier submission to referral = under 4 months
  • Average time between first trip and bringing the children home = 5 months


  1. Proud to be part of the EAC family! Hunter from Tver 2004 at 7 months and Katya January 2010 at 16 months. Grateful to the path that brought us to our family

  2. Thanks again to EAC. Katrina from Voronezh (adopted at 15 mos in 2002) is a happy, thriving artist/writer/dancer and avid pet lover. We couldn't have asked for a better kid!

  3. Proud to be a part of the EAC family too. Thomas Ryan from Astrakhan, Russia adopted at 13 months on March 23, 2009. Submitting dossier for new little sister from Colombia through EAC's Latin American program.

  4. I am NEW to the EAC family and already impressed. We are filing our dossier in just a couple of weeks for a 3-5 year old girl. We can't wait for our GOTCHA Day!!

  5. Marissa, adopted from Kemerovo Oct. 16, 2001 is a beautiful young lady who excells in anything she attempts. She loves animals, art, and sports. She is currently pitching for her little league softball team. Thank you EAC for placing this incredible child in our arms.
