Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Christmas Greetings!

As we approach Christmastime, it's a good time to reflect on the past year.  To all children who have found their forever home, we share your happiness!   To the children waiting in orphanages, we pray that 2012 finds you in your forever home.

EAC has ten families completing their Embassy appointments in December and 15 others traveling to meet and/or visit their children.

Wishing everyone a happy, healthy New Year!


  1. Thanks to EAC RUSSIA,Marina in Moscow/Astrakhan, and everyone who made our adoption possible. Thanks to God and God's infinite wisdom for leading us down this ever rewarding path. I appreciate everyone and there commitment to this endeavor.Merry Christmas and peace be with you all.So many precious memories to comment on specifically.But you know all too well if you played a role.

  2. We were in St Petersburg Russia in December 2 years ago for our court date to adopt our daughter. While Russia in the winter is a little more challenging than in the spring (we were there in the spring 8 years ago for our son) it's beautiful and a memorable experience. Merry Christmas all.
