Monday, March 5, 2012

How Can We Ever Thank You?

EAC is just incredible.  They do not make promises they can't keep.  They do all they can to help you feel safe and secure as you find your way to your child.  They restored our faith that agencies can and should support family goals. 

We are so grateful -- "Baby Zoe" is thriving and we love her to pieces!!

We thank our lucky stars everyday for EAC...

Amy, Jeff, and Big Brother Aslan

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

12 Short Months Ago...

We met 12 short months ago in St. Petersburg, Russia.    In May we will celebrate our first anniversary as Mother & Son.

Thank you EAC for helping Alex and I to become another EAC success story! ~ Amy

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Russian Election in March!

Russians will be voting in March, afterwhich the agreement between Russia and the United States may be ratified.   Stay tuned for updates as they become available.  Meanwhile, the current wait times for Russia referrals average 4-6 months for Boys; 8-12 months for Girls.   Wait times vary based on specific requirements from prospective parents.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Welcome Tyler!

Ed and Anita and very thankful for their son Tyler who has been home for 2 months after being introduced in late August.  Tyler is doing very well with his adjustment and is great around all new people that he meets.  It was amazing to have him here for the holiday season and he is a very active and loving boy!!

An experience to remember!

We have had a wonderful experience with EAC.  Once our paperwork was completed and submitted to Russia, we had a referral within one month!  We were surprised and shocked at how quickly it happened.  We were able to travel to Russia for our first trip three months later and return for our second / third trip two months after.  Our contacts in Russia were fantastic and truly cared about us and our new daughter. If you are thinking about adopting, go with EAC!  We brought our daughter Marina home in July 2010.  She has been a joy and a blessing…even now during the terrible twos!  Thank you EAC for everything!!
Vic & Lisa

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Christmas Greetings!

As we approach Christmastime, it's a good time to reflect on the past year.  To all children who have found their forever home, we share your happiness!   To the children waiting in orphanages, we pray that 2012 finds you in your forever home.

EAC has ten families completing their Embassy appointments in December and 15 others traveling to meet and/or visit their children.

Wishing everyone a happy, healthy New Year!